Healthier Weights
Improved Egg Quality and Quantity

GroMo improves gut health, nutrient absorption and nutritional status in animals.

Reduce Biofilms
Kill Harmful Bacteria
No Bitter Taste

ProVen-WT contains natural electrolytes for optimum water consumption to help improve livestock health.

Disease Prevention
Maximize Feed Conversion Ratios

ProVen-Xcel is a concentrated proprietary probiotic aimed at improving the microflora in bird’s gut.

Safe and Effective 
Organic Long Term Solution

Pure Litter has been effectively used to eradicate ammonia in broiler houses, thus protecting your chickens from dangerous pathogens in the floor as well as the harmful ammonia filled air.


GroMo forms a protective film on the mucus epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract against infections and toxins, thus ensuring an improved utilization of nutrients in animal feed.

GroMo may influence, in particular, the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in microbes. This results in a direct devastation of bacterial cells or viral particles, which should result in improved growth performance. GroMo is made from fulvic and humic acids, which causes direct inhibition of bacterial and virus growth, thus reducing mycotoxin levels. GroMo improves gut health, nutrient absorption and nutritional status in animals.


ProVen-WT livestock water treatment contains the strongest organic acids and natural electrolytes available blended at the perfect ratios that will not harm your livestock. Regardless of the rate you choose to use of ProVen-WT it will not result in a bitter taste which allows optimum water consumption. Most farmers who use ProVen-WT actually report above average water consumption. Because ProVen-WT contains natural electrolytes it may help improve mortality rates during times of stress.


Pro-Ven Xcel is our most powerful and most concentrated probiotic. We use a proprietary blend of three very safe organic acids specifically blended at the perfect ratios to ensure your livestock maximizes growth and well-being. Pro-Ven Xcel was designed to be used during times when disease is present, when feed efficiencies are poor, or when livestock become stressed.
Pro-Ven Xcel can also be used under normal conditions with normal livestock management.

Pro-Ven Xcel works by three different modes of action. First, Pro-Ven Xcel floods the digestive system with good bacteria that ultimately out competes the bad bacteria which may help livestock keep disease presence away. Second, Pro-Ven Xcel tightens the gut to help maximize feed conversion ratios. Third, Pro-Ven Xcel has a high concentration of natural electrolytes, which help livestock in times of stress maximizing water consumption.


Pure Litter is a concentrated aqueous mixture of Organic Composted Humus that is suitable for controlling ammonia levels in poultry houses. It can be used alone or mixed with a wide range of insecticide, and fungicide products (it is recommended to do a jar mix test prior to use).(Ammonia control in Poultry Houses) Prue Litter – has been successfully used to reduce ammonia levels in poultry houses when used direct application to litter. Organic Composted Humus are natural complexing agents, so applications of Pure Litter to litter may help stimulate and mobilize microorganisms.